Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The thoughts filling my brain

As of this morning I realized I haven't blogged anything in a long while.
              As Matthew and I sat on the couch this morning, eating our breakfast and watching my current addiction (Gossip Girl) I realized how amazingly blessed I am, I have a man who will sit with  me and watch GG. Not only does he sit there and watch it, he does NOT complain,  AND he listens to me fan girl over Chuck Bass... If any of my fellow GG addicts are reading this you know all about Chuck Bass. I realized this morning as I had my dose of GG, I had found my Chuck Bass, but it is someone who loves me far more than any Chuck Bass could ever love Blair. (If it was reality). It's so cheesy, I know but it's just the truth. I looked over to Matthew this morning and said " I need to write a crucial message to my ladies tonight to make sure that they find their Chuck Bass."
              So ladies, these are fundamental requirements for your man to end up being as wonderful as mine... His heart needs to be so in love with the Lord. When his heart is for the Lord, it will show by his actions, his words, his feelings, his emotions(most of the time), and his love for people, you, and his family. His humor, well it is a bit dry, but he can crack jokes all day. Make sure he can make you laugh even when you are crying, because trust me, when sad tears go to happy tears it is the best feeling.EVER. His power of making everything seem okay. That is a big one, because if you are like me in anyway you will stress over the littlest things, that don't really matter at all. That is where he comes in. He will hug you and tell you everything is going to be okay and then give you an example as to why it will be okay, but, as he does that he won't make you feel as if you are dumb for being stressed, just comforted. His patience. As long as you are as stubborn and hard headed as I am patience will be a key for him to have. It will never run out. No matter how many breakdowns, stupid moments when you have to be right, or even being bad at driving his patience never runs out. He simply asks what can I do. His "little things". What little things he does for you make sure you do your best to do for him! Whether it is him opening your car door (EVERYTIME), giving you a foot rub after you have worked on your feet for 12 hours, sending you a picture of the sky line at mid-night and the caption reading "I love you more than all the lights in the city". Those are my little things.  My list of fundamental requirements for your man to turn out like mine could go on forever but I know most of you wouldn't like that so I will try to close this section out... but to recap 
1. his heart.( make sure it's lost in The Lord)
2. his humor
3. his super power of making everything okay
4. his patience
5. his "little things"
If some of you didn't catch that...Those are MY favorite things about  Matthew. But not only those things, he does so much more for me than I could ever put into words. He loves more than I could ever deserve. I am forever grateful, thankful, and blessed to have Matthew as my strong hold, my lifeline, and I will always feel so undeserving of someone so wonderful. I LOVE YOU MATTHEW. 
          To my ladies, find someone who loves you so deeply that you can feel it, and make sure you love them to the point that it hurts to love them. Make sure that you try your very hardest to do everything in your power to make sure you love them the best that you can EVERYDAY. 

           As Matthew and I have started our lives together these past 2 years, I have grown to love him more and more, and this distance thing just keeps getting harder and harder... it's something that is so hard to explain the feelings I have about it. It is super hard right now, because being who I am I get anxious and excited and nervous because Matthew moves down here in exactly 3 months from today! December 30th can not get here fast enough... December 30 to me means no more plane tickets, no more car rides to see Matthew, no more waiting weeks upon weeks to hug him, no more feeling as if my heart is 800 miles away.. ALL of that stops... I can not express my excitement enough!!                 
After December 30th I will have a new date to look forward to... AUGUST 1st! Well, I am already looking forward to that one but it will be even more real. August 1st I will be marrying my best friend, my true love, my whole heart and we will be starting a brand new chapter to our lives... I am so extremely excited about that!    This new chapter comes with new beginnings, adventures, fun times, and hard times... I feel as if I am at a hard time at the moment just for the simple fact that there is so much to do between now and August 1st and I am at a loss of where to begin... Matthew and I have a wedding to plan, a home to find, ( but I am 95% sure we have found it.) We will most likely be living in the house I grew up in which is in Villa Rica, Georgia. I feel so blessed to say that, that house will be our first house together. It gives me so much joy in my heart. Anyway... back to there is so much to do... not only do we have to get a house, we need financial stabling jobs. We will have bills, insurance, food, and everyday necessities that we will have to be taken care of. With all of these new beginnings I am learning what it means to fully rely on God and to have a childlike faith. I have learned so well these past few months that God answers prayers faster than I could ever know. So with all of this stressing I find myself often asking God for strength and peace for Matthew and I from now until forever. I am finding he provides peace in a multitude of ways. He gives me peace and strength by using Matthew to comfort me, and let me know we are in this together. The good Lord gives me peace and strength by using my parents to show me support when it feels as if Matthew and I are sometimes alone on this journey in December with finding a place to live, or how to move him down, my parents have been my rock through that. They have told me countless times about how they will do everything that they can to help us. God has given me friends who support Matthew and I in our decision making and pray for me when I ask and even when I don't. It is always such a wonderful feeling and such good encouragement when you have someone tell you that they pray for you every morning and every night. So throughout my stress of life I have God giving me peace through people who don't even know God is using them in that way. I am learning to always remember God is where I have to look for peace. God is always faithful.
             UGANDA... We are still planning on going to Uganda next fall, we still have a lot of money to raise for it, but we know that God will provide if it is in His will. Uganda is a very special place for us. It will be where we adopt from. God has laid that on both of our hearts and I find so much of my joy thinking, praying and meditating on our son, our mission to Uganda, and just the thought of getting to touch someones life all the way in Uganda. Matthew and I would love if you would just to continue praying for us, for our hearts to be prepared for our trip next fall and for us to be able to raise the money to go. If you would like to donate please contact me at 770-355-8452 or kellishadrix9523@gmail,com  . we thank you in advance! 

      God is my peace giver. He is my Lord. He is my Friend. In him I find joy, strength, patience, love. If you need to find yourself, find who you need to be, I challenge you to read 1 Peter. 

     Rejoice in the grief and in the trials. I am finding myself reminding myself of that often.
     Remember my brothers and sisters WE were redeemed by the PRECIOUS BLOOD of Jesus Christ, NOT silver or gold.

     Also, get comfortable with being uncomfortable. We as Christ follower have to go reach the world! That is OUR job! If that means I have to take a shower by using a bucket of water then that is what I am going to do! If it means I have to travel to the -30 degree weather than that is what I am going to do. If it means I am going to have to give up spending money on clothes, shoes, my wants then that is what I am going to do! It is MY job to go and tell the good news of MY Savior! My True King! I want God to set a fire down in me that the whole world might know my LORD! I challenge you brothers and sisters to let God set a fire down in your soul! 
      I pray you can't sleep, eat, or even think about anything else other than setting the world on fire with GOD! I pray you would have a desire to GO and TELL! Because it is OUR job!

         until the next time, I am praying for God to take over your hearts! I am learning to fully rely on God, I am surrendered to my King! 

--Kelli Soon-to-be Steele

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